How to Celebrate Arbor Day

April 30, 2017

Arbor Day is an annual holiday that celebrates trees and the role they play in our lives, as well as promoting tree planting and care. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the cooling effect of a healthy tree is equivalent to ten air conditioners operating 20 hours a day!

Nationally, Arbor day is recognized on the last Friday in April, but some states select other dates (based on regional tree planting times). The first celebration in America was in 1872 when an estimated one million trees were planted in Nebraska. The holiday is celebrated by countries all over the world in various forms.

Arbor Day is not like other holidays. Each of those reposes on the past, while Arbor Day proposes for the future. – J. Sterling Morton

Planting a tree is customary, but there are several other ways to celebrate the day.

Plant a Tree

Find a Site – When choosing a location to plant your tree, consider soil conditions, water access, and the surroundings (sidewalks/streets for root growth and overhead wires/signs for canopy growth). If you don’t own the land, it’s best to ask for permission and get details on ongoing care.

Select a Tree – Select your tree carefully. Soil, moisture, pests, temperature, light, and air pollutants should all be considered as different tree species require different conditions. Most Maples, Oaks, and Elms are a safe bet – find a full list from the Kansas Forest Service.

Plant Your Tree – Dig a hole 2-3 times wider than the tree’s root ball. Carefully handling the root ball, place it into the hole and remove the burlap. Fill in the hole and lightly pack the soil as you go. Check often to make sure the tree is standing upright and not tilted. Once the hole is filled, drive a stake through the root ball into the ground and loosely tie it to the trunk of the tree (larger trees may call for multiple stakes). Water the tree after planting and everyday following for several weeks.

Save a Tree

Products made from trees are all around us. Establish a plan to reduce paper usage for you and your family by making easy adjustments to daily routines.

  • Use a towel or let your hands air-dry after washing
  • Keep a travel mug handy for beverages on the go
  • Opt-in for paperless billing for your utilities
  • Avoid paper plates and napkins when eating
  • Use cloth diapers instead of disposables
  • Rent books from the library, borrow from a friend, or download ebooks
  • Recycle the paper (and other) products you do have to use
  • Educate yourself and others on conservation


Volunteering is a great way to make a difference in our community and meet new people. Rally a group, head out on your own, or check with any of the various Wichita organizations for events or opportunities. ICTrees is a local non-profit with several ways volunteers can get involved. The Wichita Parks Foundation organizes ongoing opportunities for helping cleanup local parks and planting trees.

Coordinate a Tree ID Hike

Hike through any of Wichita’s parks with a small group and try to identify different species, determine maturity, and discuss unique characteristics to learn more about the trees in our region.

Get the Kids Involved

Go play in the dirt! Planting a tree with the kids is a great time to teach about the importance of sustainability and our environment. Study a tree’s structure and the benefits it provides. Measure a tree’s height and diameter or count the rings on a stump. Get crafty and make leaf paint prints, pinecone bird feeders, or tree bark picture frames.

Resources found on our website are provided as general guidelines, and Reddi Industries does not assume any liability resulting from the provided information.

Planting a Tree